Application Guidelines

Filmmaker Eligibility
NMDIG’s highest priority is to support emerging and early-career documentary filmmakers living and working in New Mexico. We realize that the terms emerging and early-career lack rigid definition and leave room for interpretation. We embrace this flexibility and will leave it to each applicant to define how they meet this objective.

Core applicant requirements:

  • are legal resident(s) of the state of New Mexico and have been residents for a least one year prior to application.

  • are generating and creating entirely new work (rather than interpreting, arranging, remixing pre-existing work or the work of others or film projects made for a client).

  • Applicant is in one of the following key creative roles in the proposed project:

    • Director

    • Producer

    • Writer 

Documentary Project Eligibility
The program is open to documentaries on any topic; however, there is a preference for projects that focus on the current social issues and/or community challenges of New Mexico. For purposes of these grants, the expected run time is between 5 and 26 minutes.

  • Original short form documentary;

  • Well thought out, imaginative, and executed with attention to craft and with technical proficiency, that communicate unique perspective(s), and invite viewers to question, discover, explore new ideas in new ways.

Role of Lead Applicant
The lead applicant will be the primary contact and the main administrator for the grant application in the event of an award. Since the lead applicant will be responsible for receiving the check, they will also be responsible for the dispersal of funds to collaborators and for paying any taxes owed as a result of receiving the grant.

Number of Planned Grants
Funding may be awarded to between 4 to 8 applicants. Applicants may only apply for one project.

Maximum Amount to Apply for
The maximum grant amount is $5,000 per selected project. Applicants are encouraged to apply only for the amount needed to achieve their project (see Budget section below regarding supplemental funding from other sources). If appropriate the project selection jury may decide to award less than the amount applied for.  

Timeframe for Project Completion
Projects must be completed within 6 months from the date of award notification.  

Eligibility of Projects in Process
Projects that were started prior to the date of application may be proposed for funding. However, the applicant must explain how the requested grant will substantially improve the ability to complete the proposed project. Projects completed before the date of application are not eligible. 

Role of the Project Selection Jury
A project selection jury composed of New Mexico film professionals will review the applications, select the projects to be funded, and recommend funding levels for each project.

Project Selection Timeframe
Final decisions will be made within 60 days from the end of the submission period. 

Grant Funding Disbursement
Once a formal grant agreement has been signed and received, a check for 50% of the total grant amount will be distributed to each applicant (or lead person in the case of a collective) in their name. The remaining 50% will be released in two tranches: 25% following the rough cut review and 25% upon completion of the project.  

Production Reviews and Program Participation
Grantees will be expected to meet with the program directors on a periodic basis for a progress review, participate in a rough cut review with members of the project selection jury, and participate in a wrap-up panel discussion to share lessons learned and recommendations for future rounds of funding.  Upon project completion Grantees will be expected to attend public screenings and participate in audience discussions.

Budget Related Guidelines 

Budget Format
Please use the budget template provided. You will find links to downloadable copies below as well as a visual example. Feel free to recreate the format in a separate spreadsheet but be sure to distinguish between the a funding requested and funds from other sources (if applicable), and provide the total budget for the proposed project with sufficient detail to clearly understand how the funding will be allocated among expense categories. 

Download the Budget PDF here.
Download the Budget Excel document here.

Funding In Addition to the Grant Request
If you intend to raise funds in addition to the requested grant amount, state the expected sources of those funds, how much you have raised to date, and the timeframe for the fundraising effort. 

Responsibility for Paying Taxes on the Award
Recipients will be responsible for any taxes resulting from the grant award.  

Funding for Equipment Purchases
Equipment purchase or rental can be included as an expense in the project budget as part of a larger project; however, applications submitted for the sole purpose of acquiring equipment will not be considered. 

Collaborator Fees
If the project requires compensation for collaborators, participants or the applicant, it should be included in the budget. The budget should include all costs associated with achieving the project.


Download the Budget PDF here.
Download the Budget Excel document here.