2024 Grant Recipients & Filmmakers

Photo of biker with helmet at balloon fiesta

David C’de Baca

Project Title: Alternate Transport Abq (How city planning affects communities within Albuquerque and New Mexico)
View David’s work here.

David is a filmmaker and animator.  He is graduate of the CNM Ingenuity program with a focus on filmmaking. Growing up in Albuquerque, a car dependent Sunbelt city, made him feel isolated as a child. He eventually learned how to reduce his car dependency through using micro mobility in combination with transit, and discovered how it changed aspects of his life. His documentary Includes an analysis of what led our communities to be so car dependent, its socioeconomic effects on vulnerable people like children and those who live in underserved communities; and what governments can do to improve these conditions based on best practice elsewhere.

Dominic Fraire

Project Title: Terria XO: A Journey of Self Discovery (the story of a Native American transgender person’s search for identity and community)
View Dominic’s work here.

Dominic is a filmmaker and conceptual artist from Las Cruces and a graduate of the University of New Mexico’s Film and Digital Arts program.  His film projects strive to create a relationship of exploration with the audience, one where they can walk hand in hand into the depths of human understanding and experience and what it means to live life emotionally. His film Terria XO: A Journey of Self-Discovery" is a documentary that invites audiences on a profound exploration of Terria's transformative odyssey within the realm of a trans-feminine identity.

Photo at sunset of filmmaker Dylan Haworth, 2024 recipient of NMDIG grant

Dylan Haworth

Project Title: End of History. (Residents of Northern New Mexico face systemic and ecological issues as they attempt to recover from a historic wildfire)
View Dylan’s work here.

Dylan Haworth is an Albuquerque based documentary filmmaker and cinematographer. Graduating from the University of New Mexico’s Film and Digital Media program, he garnered experience in many different environments, including sports, journalism, activism, and the arts. Dylan has worked with groups like New Mexico United, Tamarind, UNM, and New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence to produce socially conscious, community focused short documentaries. He has also worked as an educator at the Southwest Organizing Project, teaching political documentary processes for youth. Along with this, he has presented his research on collaborative documentary methods at the 2022 Western Regional Honors Conference. Dylan currently works for Meow Wolf’s Marketing Production team, where he is a full-time producer creating promotional documentary and narrative video projects.

Photo of filmmaker, Gianna Peredina, a 2024 recipient of the NMDIG grant, in editing bay

Gianna Peredina

Project Title: Strings of Connection (the story of creating community in an Albuquerque guitar store)
View Gianna’s work here.

Gianna Peredina is a senior at UNM majoring in film production.  Her coursework included documentary filmmaking, video production, introduction to film, film history, screenwriting, digital post production, directing, and more. She expects to graduate in the fall of 2024 after studying abroad in Korea. After graduation, Gianna plans to stay in New Mexico to work on her master’s degree. Having moved a lot during her life, Gianna personal connection to this film project is through her music and the sense of community that the guitar store has created for musicians.